USE WideWorldImporters
FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
	sol.StockItemID = 20

Key Lookups

In working on my presentation for Data Saturday #8 – Southwest US, I hadn’t realized how many topics come up at least briefly in the talk. I wanted to make a few posts about to go into details on each of these topics and why they are important.

My thanks again to Deborah Melkin for her review and feedback of the presentation.

A key lookup is an operation that occurs when a query has used a nonclustered index on a given table, but needs to access more columns to complete the query. It may need to check columns not in that index for additional filters, or it may just need to return that column as part of its result set.

In the simple query above, we’re retrieving 100 rows from the seek against a nonclustered index, then performing a key lookup against the clustered index. There is a nested loops operator between the two and understanding how that operates is important; for each row we receive from the first table, we perform the second operation once. So, in this query we are seeking 100 rows from the nonclustered index, then performing the key lookup 100 times. We go through the index once for each row we return, and you can see the cost of the key lookup operator is 99% of the query.

Operator Details

Details for the Key Lookup operator


If we mouseover the key lookup, we can see the details of this operation. We actually read 100 rows . The “Estimated Operator Cost” (0.324977) is nearly 100 times that of the index seek (0.0035899).

The “Number of Executions” is 100, so for each row received from the index seek, we traverse the clustered index (its index and leaf pages) once to get that row. And we do 100 separate seeks of that index to get 100 rows. This is a lot more work than we did to get 100 rows with 1 index seek from the nonclustered index.

The estimates match our actuals, but the TOP clause is a very good hint for how many rows we should receive.

If you have a table scan somewhere in your plan is table scanning millions of rows, you should probably address that first. But removing the key lookup by returning fewer columns drops this query from 12.5 milliseconds to 73 microseconds. That’s a 94.16% duration reduction (thank you Query Store).


There’s two ways to handle a query like this with a key lookup.

  1. Do we need these columns in our query?
  2. Create a covering index.

Addition by Subtraction

We are doing the key lookup because we want to return columns, or filter\otherwise use columns, that are not in the nonclustered index. Let’s first ask this: do we need these columns in our query?

If we check the code or application that’s retrieving the results, does it actually consume those columns from the result set and use them? If we are filtering on that column, does that filter still make sense? If not, let’s just take it out of the query to simplify matters.

And it is very clear which columns are the issue. If you look at the details of the key lookup in the image above, the Output List for that operator shows which columns we are using the clustered index to retrieve. If you don’t need any of them, you can remove them from the query. Your new execution plan will be missing a key lookup.


The heading is a joke; there’s no such command, of course. A covering index is a nonclustered index that supplies all the information you need from a given table to complete a given query. So far, we’re doing key lookups for this query because no such an index exists. We could get all these columns from the clustered index, but we would have to scan the whole index because our WHERE clause doesn’t match the sorting of the clustered index.

Normally when we create an index, we want our index to include any columns we are filtering on. So it would include columns in our WHERE clause, or the columns in our JOIN clause if we are joining from another table. In some cases, you might want the index to match an ORDER BY. Here just the section in red.

For a covering index on this query, we need to include the SELECT list (in the green section) in our index. In general, every column for this table referenced in the query needs to be in our index.

The INCLUDE column is a great way to add in the columns in our SELECT list.

We could add those 5 columns to our index normally as key values, but that would unnecessarily bloat all the pages of the index. We aren’t filtering on any of those columns, so we don’t need the columns in the index pages for us to filter properly. If we use the INCLUDE clause, these columns will be present only in the leaf page of our index. This is similar to how the columns from the clustered index are added to all nonclustered indexes.

So a script for the new index would look like this:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Sales_OrderLines_AllocatedStockItems] ON [Sales].[OrderLines](	
	[StockItemID] ASC

With the index in place, our original query took 95 microseconds. Slightly longer than the query with the reduced result set, but we did increase the size of the index some.


A key lookup might be an operation you don’t notice often, but I’ve been impressed with the result of removing them when I can.

I’ll be posting other blogs with foundational topics in the near future and more posts in general than I’ve had recently. Maybe this isn’t foundational; it might be on the first floor.

I hope you’ve learned something from this post. Please follow me on twitter (@sqljared) or contact me if you have questions.

So let’s talk about the best metric no one thinks about.

A Good Question

I was working with a client troubleshooting an issue several years back now, and they asked a question that was difficult to answer.

We were troubleshooting a slow query, and the reason it was taking so long was oddly opaque.

  • It wasn’t blocked
  • It wasn’t waiting on CPU or driving the CPU on the server
  • It wasn’t waiting on memory
  • It wasn’t waiting on the disks

So, the usual suspects were out. We didn’t have the plan for this query yet, and were operating without much information yet. So, the client asked the simple question, “If it isn’t waiting on anything, why isn’t it done?”

I thought it a simple question at first, then I really thought about it. With the usual suspects out, we really couldn’t see what SQL Server was doing. What could be taking up that time?

Invisible culprit

It finally occurred to me that just because we weren’t seeing the disks spike didn’t mean we weren’t doing a lot of reads. Logical reads don’t involve the disks; we’re only reading pages that are already in memory. They are faster than physical reads for sure, but that doesn’t mean they are instant.

The logical reads themselves won’t cause waits. They will use some CPU cycles, but in this case we saw no CPU related wait type or a high overall CPU %.

Take the plan above. It took 84 seconds to complete, and only returned 16 rows. But it read millions of rows at the lower levels. If the tables involved are largely in memory, we won’t be waiting on physical IO. It’s a SELECT statement, so it won’t be blocked or blocking if you are using read-committed snapshot isolation level (RCSI, I should blog about that).

With no waits or blocking, how would you see this query is less than optimal unless you are looking for it?

Detecting logical reads

We eventually got the execution plan and it confirmed my suspicion. The plan was reading many, many rows and joining across a number of tables. Once we had the plan, were able to come up with a plan to filter it down faster.

But the lesson here is the effects of logical reads are hard to detect. This makes logical reads a good metric to check for if you want to look at your activity within SQL Server. Here’s an example script for returning the queries with the highest logical reads in the execution cache, centering around sys.dm_exec_query_stats :

	qs.total_logical_reads/qs.execution_count AS ave_logical_reads, 
	qs.total_elapsed_time/qs.execution_count as ave_duration, 
	substring(t.text, qs.statement_start_offset/2+1, 
		(CASE WHEN qs.statement_end_offset=-1 THEN (len(t.text)- qs.statement_start_offset)/2
		ELSE (qs.statement_end_offset- qs.statement_start_offset)/2 END )+1) AS statement_text,
	db_name(t.dbid) as db_name, 
	OBJECT_NAME( t.objectid, t.dbid) AS object_name, 
	qs.total_worker_time AS total_cpu_time, 
	qs.total_worker_time/qs.execution_count AS ave_cpu_time, 
	qs.total_physical_reads/qs.execution_count AS ave_physical_reads
	--,qs.plan_handle, qs.plan_generation_num
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs 
OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle) AS t
OUTER APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(plan_handle) AS qp
ORDER BY qs.total_logical_reads DESC;

This will let you look through the query stats for anything currently in the cache, but of course a restart of SQL Server or another action that clears the cache will mean there isn’t much to see.

If you use Query Store, you could see the queries with the most logical reads in the last two hours with the following:

	SUM(rs.avg_logical_io_reads) AS sum_logical_io_reads,
FROM sys.query_store_query_text AS qt
JOIN sys.query_store_query AS q
    ON qt.query_text_id = q.query_text_id
JOIN sys.query_store_plan AS p
    ON q.query_id = p.query_id
JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats AS rs
    ON p.plan_id = rs.plan_id
JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval rsi
	ON rsi.runtime_stats_interval_id = 
	rsi.start_time > DATEADD(HOUR,-2,GETUTCDATE())
ORDER BY SUM(rs.avg_logical_io_reads) DESC


Another point to consider, while physical reads take more time, the difference between the two is somewhat random. Whether given pages are in memory or not will affect how long a query takes, but we can’t really control what’s in memory without taking unusual measures.

Logical reads will always occur, and should be a more consistent measure of how much work a query requires.

Based on the plan, we may also end up reading to the same page in memory many times, for example if we have a cross product in our query.

I hope you find this post helpful.

If you have any topics related to performance in SQL Server you would like to hear more about, please feel free to @ me and make a suggestion.

Please follow me on twitter (@sqljared) or contact me if you have questions.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Hints in SQL Server

I used to be really suspicious of using hints in SQL Server, and now I can’t imagine working without them.

My opinion on this topic changed over the last few years due to a number of the performance issues I’ve worked on. I spoke at SQLSaturday 1000 (Oregon 2020) last weekend, and my talk was primarily about things I learned optimizing garbage collection and similar incremental processes. During that work I ran into a number of issues with queries like this example from the WideWorldImporters database:

	FROM @OrdersGC gc
	JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
		ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID;

Order Matters

The logic here is simple enough. Earlier in the process, we found orders we wanted to delete per retention policy, and put the OrderID values in a memory optimized table variable. We then use the motv to delete from all related tables, and finally the Orders table.

This query doesn’t have a WHERE clause. It’s plain to see how we want this to function though. We have 100 rows in our motv, and we want to delete the related rows in Invoices. But I’ve seen issues caused by execution plans that flip the order:

Table variables have no statistics, so the optimizer doesn’t know how many rows to expect from that operation (though table variable deferred compilation in SQL Server 2019 can resolve this) . Occasionally, I would see a plan with a join order that is the opposite of my expectation. The lack of a WHERE clause hurts here, but there’s no clause I can apply that will filter better than the items I already have in my table variable.


I work on hundreds of databases with the same schema. They have different data sets and distributions, different sizes, and their statistics are going to update at different times. But if one of them chooses a bad plan, I have to push aside whatever other work to research the high CPU on database xyz.

Consistency is really valuable to me. And in this case, the answer is simple. Yes, I want to scan the fast, small memory-optimized table variable first, and use it to filter the larger, slower table. Adding a join hint or a force order to this query should keeps its plan and performance consistent.

	FROM @OrderList gc
	INNER LOOP JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
		ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID;

	FROM @OrderList gc
	JOIN Sales.Invoices inv
		ON inv.OrderID = gc.OrderID

Both approaches force the join order. The INNER LOOP JOIN hint has the added benefit of ensuring the plan uses a nested loops join. A hash match wouldn’t be efficient with a batch size of a few hundred or a few thousand. A merge join would likely require a sort of one of the inputs, which defeats the purpose.

Index hints

I had to use index hints in an example I was using in my session for SQLSaturday 1000 (Oregon 2020).

DELETE TOP (@BatchSize) vt
FROM Warehouse.VehicleTemperatures vt
WHERE vt.RecordedWhen < DATEADD(DAY, -180, GETUTCDATE());

This was an example of a garbage collection process. The plan didn’t appear to be a problem, but we should be suspicious of the scan here:

The table scan only read 100 rows, but that’s because there is a TOP operator. The first 100 rows met our filter, so the query ended at that point. If no rows (or less than 100) matched, we would have scanned the entire table.

An index exists on the RecordedWhen column; it just wasn’t used. This is another place where a hint seems obvious. Maybe updating statistics would also resolve the issue, but this gives me more certainty.

DELETE TOP (@BatchSize) vt
FROM Warehouse.VehicleTemperatures vt WITH (INDEX(IX_VehicleTemperatures_RecordedWhen))
	vt.RecordedWhen < DATEADD(DAY, -180, GETUTCDATE());

With Great Power

By using hints we are taking some of the responsibility away from the SQL Server, and we can cause entirely new problems. Here are some considerations before you try adding a hint.

  1. Relationships. Make sure you understand the cardinality and relationship between tables. This will inform your expectations about how many rows will be returned where.
  2. Indexes. Understand what options you have on each table in your query. A table may use one index based on the WHERE clause, or another based on the ON clause. The join order and indexes used are related. An index hint may push SQL Server to a specific join order; vice versa with join\order hints.
  3. Index hints can break your code! If you use an index hint in a procedure and later drop the index, SQL Server will not politely ignore your suggestion and move on. The procedure will fail until you remove the hint or recreate the index. So, if you use index hints, be aware of this and always check if any hints reference an index before you drop it.
  4. The most effective filter. If the logic of your statement filters across several tables, consider which one should reduce your result set the most. You probably want that table first in your execution plan.
  5. Test and test again. The new plans may be completely different from what we imagine, so we really must test our hinted queries and procedures with gusto. Test it for a variety of cases to make sure your code works on realistic data sets. In my case, I will sometimes test against large and small restored databases to make sure it performs as expected.

I’ve heard other engineers speak dismissively of hints, but I would encourage you to not discard a useful tool. Just realize you can cut yourself with it.

One of my coworkers recently resolved a performance issue by changing the join order and forcing it with a hint, or “doing a Jared Poche” in his words. Which shows you how often I’ve used hints, and how often they’ve worked.

Hopefully you learned something from this post. Please follow me on twitter (@sqljared) or contact me if you have questions.