I encountered something recently I’d never encountered, so I had to share. I was making another change to a procedure I’ve been tuning recently. The idea was to alter the UPDATE statements to skip rows unless they are making real changes. The activity here is being driven by customer activity, and that sometimes leads to them setting the same value repeatedly. Difficult to know how often we update a row to the same value, but we think it could be significant. So, we added a clause to the UPDATE so we’ll only update if ‘old_value <> new_value’. The actual update operator is the most expensive part of the statement, but Simple enough so far. The scan is against a memory optimized table variable, and the filter to the left our our seeks and scans check for a change to our value. Nothing left but to update the index and…

Curve Ball

Wait, what’s all this? We have a Split operator after our Clustered Index Update. SQL Server does sometime turn an UPDATE statement into effectively a DELETE and INSERT if the row needs to move, but this seems a bit much. We have a total of 4 index update/delete operators now, and they aren’t cheap. My very simple addition to the WHERE clause actually caused a small increase in duration, and a big jump in CPU. So what’s going on?

UPDATE Object1
	Column1 = CASE 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object2.Column1 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object1.Column1 + Object2.Column1 
	Column4 = GETUTCDATE()
FULL OUTER JOIN Variable5 dcqt
	ON Object1.Column9 = Variable2
	AND Object1.Column10 = Variable3
	AND Object1.Column6 = CASE WHEN Variable6 = ? AND Object2.Column2 >= ? THEN ? ELSE Object2.Column2 END
LEFT JOIN Variable7 oq
	ON Object1.Column6 = Object3.Column6
	Object1.Column10 = Variable3
	AND Object1.Column9 = Variable2
	AND Object1.Column2 >= ?
	AND Variable8 < ?
	AND Object1.Column1 <> CASE 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object2.Column1 
		WHEN Variable1 = ? THEN Object1.Column1 + Object2.Column1 

So, we’re updating Column1 to the result of a CASE statement, and the last part of our WHERE clause compares Column1 to the same CASE. And the CPU for this statement just doubled? I happened to jog this by the superlative Kevin Feasel, who suggested this was the Halloween Problem.

The Halloween Problem

The Halloween Problem is a well documented issue, and it affects other database systems, not just SQL Server. The issue was originally seen by IBM engineers using an UPDATE to set a value that was also in their WHERE clause. So, database systems include protections for the Halloween Problem where necessary in DML statements, and SQL Server decided it needed to protect this query. And our query matches the pattern for this issue; we’re filtering on a field while we are updating it. All DML statements can run afoul of this issue, and there are examples for all in this really excellent series of posts by Paul White.

An Unlikely Ally

The protection SQL Server employs ultimately comes down to interrupting the normal flow of rows from operators up the plan. We actually need a blocking operator! A blocking operator would cause all the rows coming from the query against our primary table to pool in that operator. We’ll have a list of all relevant rows in one place, and they can be passed on to operators above without continuing the index seek against our table; possibly seeing the same row a second time. Eager spools\table spools are frequently used for this purpose, and SQL Server used an eager spool to provide Halloween protection in my case. A sort would also do, and we could design this query to sort the results of querying the table. If our query already employed a blocking operation to interrupt the flow, SQL Server would not need to introduce more operations to protect against the Halloween Problem. In my case, I definitely don’t want it spooling and creating three more expensive index operations. My idea for rewriting this goes a step farther.

A Two Table Solution

If we queried the data from our base table into a temp table, we could then update the base table without querying that same table on the same column, tripping over a pumpkin in the process. My procedure is already using memory optimized table variables, because this proc runs so frequently that temp tables cause contention in tempdb (described here). So in this instance, I’ll actually query this data into another motv. I can also use the data I stash in my motv to decide if any rows I intended to update don’t exist yet. I’ll INSERT those later, only if needed.


Now, the whole point of the original change was to reduce work when we update a field to be equal to its current contents. In my motv, I’m going to have the old and new value for the field. It would be simplicity itself to put my UPDATE in a conditional, so that we only run the UPDATE if at least one row in my motv is making an actual change to the field. So instead of just reducing the cost of our update operators, we’ll skip the entire UPDATE statement frequently, for only the cost of one SELECT and a write to our motv.


Stunning. The new logic causes this proc to skip the UPDATE statements entirely over 96% of the time. Even given that we are running a query to populate the memory optimized table variable (which is taking <100 microseconds) and running an IF EXISTS query against that motv (which takes 10-20 microseconds), we’re spending 98% less time doing the new logic than the original UPDATE statement. When I started reviewing the procedure several months ago, it took 3.1 milliseconds on average. I’ve tried several other changes in isolation, some effective, some not. The procedure is now down to 320 microseconds; an almost 90% reduction overall after a 71% drop from this change. I have some other ideas for tweaks to this proc, but honestly, there’s very little left to gain with this process. Time to find a new target. If you liked this post, please follow me on twitter or contact me if you have questions.

How Relevant is the TOP operator?

I’ve explained what a blocking operator is and provided a few examples, but maybe this doesn’t seem important. It’s affecting the TOP operator, sure, but don’t people just use this to look at the TOP 1000 rows of their tables in SSMS?

The TOP operator is useful for many operations, especially in a large environment. Large operation can timeout or fail for a variety of reasons, consuming resources without providing the results you need. A small, batch-sized operation is more likely to succeed and tends to perform more consistently. Many maintenance operations make sense to run with a TOP operator, so we should make sure those operations aren’t stymied by blocking operators. Some examples:

  • Garbage collection on a table with many millions rows. You want this to perform quickly, but you really can’t afford for this to time out (whatever that timeout period may be). We can limit how long this runs by GC’ing a small batch at a time, but this can be hampered badly by an extra sort or a hash join.
  • Archiving data applies for the same reasoning as GC. If you archive data to another table\database\server, you’ll want to keep your operation small enough to manage.
  • Backfilling a new column. If the existing table is large, you can’t just UPDATE the whole table; you’ll lock the table and block all your users. A batched UPDATE in a loop or in a scheduled process can resolve this without causing an outage.
  • GDPR is here, and CCPA is coming. You may need to anonymize data across many related tables. We need this to perform well to cleanse our existing data, and we’ll continue running this process going forward.
  • Queries producing potentially large results to your application may need to be batched as well. If this times out, you’re still wasting a lot of time and reads, even if no data is changed.

Out the Window

I examined one process recently that was similar to this query, causing a GC operation to time out.

	ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition By inv.CustomerID ORDER BY inv.InvoiceDate) AS SortID
FROM Sales.Invoices inv
JOIN Sales.InvoiceLines ili
	ON ili.InvoiceID = inv.InvoiceID
	inv.InvoiceDate < DATEADD(day, -60, GETUTCDATE()) 
	AND ili.LastEditedWhen < DATEADD(day, -60, GETUTCDATE()) 

It was a SELECT statement, and it inserted the important fields into a temp table, and ran DELETEs against multiple tables based on the contents of the temp table. But it was the initial SELECT that had a poor plan and caused the timeout.

I quickly saw a SORT in the execution plan and wondered why. The actual query didn’t have an ORDER BY clause. But it did have a ROW_NUMBER OVER in the select list; took me a minute to notice that.

But was the sorting necessary? “We need to delete really old records in this table, but it’s vitally important that we delete them in the order they were originally inserted!”

It seemed a poor reason to sort a table with tens of millions of rows. Coupled with the very small batch size, we were doing an extraordinary amount of work to get rid of a few rows. So what if we commented the ROW_NUMBER and the ORDER BY out?

Even though the new plan has a scan operator, we only read 110 rows from it because we are using the TOP operator properly. Note the row counts from the first plan again. We have 479 thousand rows going through multiple operators in the first, but only 100 per operation in the second.

Avoid one Blocking Operator, find another

Here’s an example from recent work. I was looking at a query in a GC that was populating a temp table to use for later DELETEs. I was anticipating the optimizer to try a hash match join, so I used an INNER LOOP JOIN hint to avoid that blocking operator. The results were quite unpleasant, as you can see in this anonymized plan.

So, I avoided the hash match join, but the SQL Server optimizer didn’t see it the way I did. The first table is a temp table, Object6, which we are joining to a normal table, Object11. But this plan includes a table spool that not only forces us to read all 587741 rows in the seek against our table, it seems to create a cross join in memory between the results of the clustered index scan on the temp table and the clustered index seek against the base table (538 * 587741 = 316204658).

That hint obviously wouldn’t work. I reversed the order of the tables, then removed the hint altogether, giving the following:


2000 rows returned across the board. There is a SORT operation, but it’s after the TOP so there’s no harm.. Our results are being sorted before inserting them into a second temp table. And a much more performant query, taking ~8 ms instead of 75000 ms.

Sort out blocking operators

Hopefully this has been informative. I honestly wasn’t aware of blocking operators until a month or two ago. That’s the frustrating and interesting thing of SQL Server sometimes; you can work on this as long as I have and, even putting new development aside, there’s always more to learn.

Hope this helps you optimize some of your own operations.

It seems so simple

The TOP operator seems pretty straightforward. “Hey SQL Server, give me the first 100 rows that match this criteria, then stop.” But when certain operations get involved it can go sideways.

Let’s start with a simple example in the WorldWideImporters database.

FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
WHERE sol.OrderLineID < 1000 
	AND sol.UnitPrice > 50

The query here is simple, and we can see the TOP operator only returns 100 rows, but so does the index seek underneath. The way this works is that the TOP asks the operation connected to it for 1 row, and keeps asking until it has 100 or the operation below can’t find anymore rows that match.

Because of the WHERE clause I chose, we actually had to read 943 rows in the table to get 100 that matched. At that point the TOP stopped asking for more rows.

If the TOP operator kept asking for more rows and only displayed the first 100, that would have been a waste of effort. Still, we’re only querying 1 index here.

Let’s add a wrinkle

FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
	sol.OrderID < 1000 
	AND sol.Quantity > 5
ORDER BY sol.OrderID

Now we have a key lookup, and we can follow the flow of what happened. We read and returned 270 rows from the index seek. There’s a nested loops operator connecting us to our key lookup, and that returned only 100 rows. So, we had to read 270 rows from the index seek to find 100 rows that met all our filters. 

Ultimately the TOP operator was asking for 1 row repeatedly until it met its quota, and then it stopped asking for more. As expected. 

What’s a blocking operator?

So, with another change we’ll see one of those operators I mentioned earlier.

FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
	sol.OrderID < 5000 
	AND sol.Quantity > 5
ORDER BY sol.LastEditedWhen

Here, we’re seeking based on a range of OrderIDs, but getting results sorted in a different order. We’re reading many more records from the index and the key lookup (where the estimate is wayyy off). We don’t need to read this much to get our results, because we returned 2160 rows from the key lookup and the nested loops join, but then we reduce when we hit the sort.

It makes sense that you can’t return the top 100 rows that meet this criteria, until you’ve seen them all. Well, unless the data is in the order you want, and you can just seek it that way from the index. Our previous query had an ORDER BY clause but no sort operation because our sort matched our range seek.

Sort is a blocking operator. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of the term; I’ve been working with SQL Server for 15 years, and I’m sure I never heard the term until the incomparable Grant Fritchey mentioned it while he was lecturing at my place of employment.

So sorts and several other types of operators (eager spools, remote query\scan\etc, hash match joins, and more) will block the normal flow and gather all their results before passing any rows on. The hash match join only blocks while building its hash table from the first input, before probing the second.

Let’s hash it out

FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
JOIN Sales.Orders so
	ON so.OrderID = sol.OrderID
	sol.OrderID < 5000 
	AND sol.Quantity > 5
--ORDER BY sol.LastEditedWhen

We filtered on OrderID < 5000, and we read 4999 rows from the build table. So we read everything that fit that criteria; we didn’t stop early because we had our 100 rows. So, definitely blocking behavior.

Then we probe the second table and return 900 rows, and they pass through the hash match. The results get reduced to 100 by the TOP operator. 

Why 900 rows from the OrderLines table, not 100? That’s less than clear. As I vary the result set or the TOP size, I get a number of behaviors using different indexes and returning batches of various sizes. It appears the probe may be trying to do a batch of rows at a time, or it may be related to the memory allocated. (If I can get a clearer answer to this aspect, I’ll update the post).

Update: I consulted with my colleague, the superb Kevin Feasel, who suggested this was operating in batch mode. I was testing this using SQL Server 2019, and batch mode on rowstore is a new feature that everyone should be aware of.

I thought I had ruled this out however, and indeed the probe operation was in row mode:

However, the hash match operation was not!

So the hash match requested a batch of 900 rows, which is why we saw the unexpected number of rows.

If you try this in SQL Server 2019, you may see different behaviors as you vary the result set (when I removed LastEditedWhen from the result set, it changed to row mode and only returned 100 rows) or the TOP size (TOP 1000 dropped it back to row mode). I also saw some variation with the index used against OrderLines, including the columnstore index.

Summing up

These have been relatively simple examples of the TOP operator in action, and how it interacts with other operators. In my next post, I’ll provide some more complicated plans, and discuss how we can keep our TOPs in top shape.