In having a talk reviewed recently, it was suggested I spend more time defining some of the subject I touched on. It occurred if I should go over (or at least introduce) these ideas during a talk for a SQL Saturday audience, some might find a post on the subject useful. Hence my recent post on key lookups.

Another such topic is table variables. I use table variables frequently at my current job, but they came up very infrequently when I worked at CSS in Microsoft. I remember the conversations about them being very simple at the time, as in, “you should just use temp tables instead.” But there is a lot of utility with table variables, and they could be a useful arrow in your quiver.


Table variables are much maligned for one issue; they don’t have statistics.

In most ways, table variables function a lot like temp tables. You can define their columns and insert rows into them. Scoping is different. If you declare a table variable inside a procedure, its scope ends when you return from that procedure. If you create a temp table inside a procedure, it remains for the connection, so the procedure that called the procedure creating the temp table can see the temp table and its contents.

Both can have indexes created on them, but the table variable will have no statistics on its indexes. The result is that the SQL Server optimizer doesn’t know how many rows are in the table variable and will assume 1 row when trying to compare possible execution plans. This may lead to worse plan than you would have with a temp table containing the same data.

This is mitigated in a feature of SQL Server 2019’s Intelligent Query Processor, table variable deferred compilation. This provides cardinality estimates based on the actual number of rows in the table variable, and statements are not compiled until their first execution.

“This deferred compilation behavior is identical to the behavior of temporary tables. This change results in the use of actual cardinality instead of the original one-row guess.”


This feature does require you to be using compatability level 150, but this is a significant upgrade.

Alternatively, if you want to change the behavior around a table variable and aren’t using SQL Server 2019 (or have another compatability mode), you could use a query hint. I’ve used an INNER LOOP JOIN hint many times when using a table variable I expect to have a small number of rows as a filter to find specific rows in a permanent table. This gives me the join order and join type I expect to see, but I’m less shy about hints than many as I have commented previously.

Tempdb contention

There’s an ocean of posts about how to address tempdb contention, mostly focusing on creating enough data files in your tempdb or enabling trace flags that change some behaviors. The point I think that gets understated, is that creating fewer objects in tempdb would also address the issue.

One of the ways table variables function like temp tables, is that they store data in tempdb and can drive contention there as well. The cause of that contention is different, but creating table variables across many different sessions can still cause contention.

Table Valued Parameters

TVPs allow us to pass a table variable to a procedure as an input parameter. Within the procedure, they function as read-only table variables. If the read-only part is an issue, you can always define a separate table variable within the procedure, insert the data from the TVP, then manipulate it as you see fit.

The caveats here are the same; the TVP is stored in tempdb (and can cause contention there), you may have issues with cardinality due to the lack of statistics.

But the advantage is that we can make procedure calls that operate on sets of data rather than in a RBAR fashion. Imagine your application needs to insert 50 rows into a given table. You could call a procedure with parameters for each field you are inserting, and then do that 49 more times. If you do it serially, that will take some time, in part because of the round trips from your application to the SQL Server. If you do this in parallel, it will take longer than it should because of contention on the table. I haven’t blogged about the hot page issue, but that might make a good foundation topic.

Or you could make one call to a procedure with a TVP so it can insert the 50 rows without the extra contention or delay. Your call.

Memory Optimized Table Variables

This changes this by addressing one of the above concerns. Memory optimized table variables (let’s say motv for short), store data in memory and don’t contribute to an tempdb contention. The removal of tempdb contention can be a huge matter by itself, but storing data in memory means accessing a motv is very fast. Go here if you’d like to read the official documentation about memory optimized table variables.

A motv has to have at least one index, and you can choose a hashed or nonclustered index. There’s an entire page on the indexes for motv’s, and more details for both index types on this page on index architecture.

I tend to always use nonclustered indexes in large part for the simplicity. Optimal use of hash indexes requires creating the right number of buckets, depending on the number of rows expected to be inserted into the motv. Too many or too few buckets both present performance issues. It seems unlikely to configure this correctly and then not have the code change that later. It’s too micromanage-y to me, so I’d rather use nonclustered indexes here.

We do need to keep in mind that we are trading memory usage for some of these benefits, as Eric Darling points out amusingly and repeatedly here. This shouldn’t matter the majority of the time, but we should keep in mind that it isn’t free and ask questions like:

  • Does that field really need to be nvarchar(max)?
  • I expect this INSERT SELECT statement to insert 100 rows, but could it be substantially more?
  • What if there are 100 simultaneous procedures running, each with an instance of this motv? Each with 100 rows?
  • How much total memory could this nvarchar(200) require if we’re really busy?

I certainly would want to keep my columns limited, and you can make fields nullable.

Memory Optimized Table Valued Parameters

So, we can memory optimize our TVP and get the advantages of both. I use these frequently, and one of the big reasons (and this applies to TVPs in general) is concurrency.

So, let’s compare inserting 50 rows of data into a physical table using a normal procedure versus a procedure with a memory optimized table variable.

Singleton Inserts

To test this, I used a tool provided in the World Wide Importers sample on github. Specifically, I was using the workload driver. This was intended to compare the performance of in-memory, permanent tables with on-disk tables, but the setup will work just fine for my purposes.

The VehicleLocation script enables In-Memory OLTP, creates a few tables, procedures to insert into those tables, and adds half a million rows to them. I’ll be using the OnDisk.VehicleLocations table and the OnDisk.InsertVehicleLocation to insert into it.

I wrote the following wrapper procedure to provide random inputs for that procedure:

USE WideWorldImporters

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE OnDisk.InsertVehicleLocationWrapper
	-- Inserting 1 record into VehicleLocation
	DECLARE @RegistrationNumber nvarchar(20);
	DECLARE @TrackedWhen datetime2(2);
	DECLARE @Longitude decimal(18,4);
	DECLARE @Latitude decimal(18,4);


	SET @RegistrationNumber = N'EA' + RIGHT(N'00' + CAST(CAST(RAND() AS INT) % 100 AS nvarchar(10)), 3) + N'-GL';
	SET @TrackedWhen = SYSDATETIME();
	SET @Longitude = RAND() * 100;
	SET @Latitude = RAND() * 100;

	EXEC OnDisk.InsertVehicleLocation @RegistrationNumber, @TrackedWhen, @Longitude, @Latitude;

With this, I basically wrote a loop to call this to individually insert 500 rows. Query Store showed the procedure ran its one statement in 23 µs. I love measuring things in microseconds.

Parallel Inserts

Except that didn’t really test what I wanted. Running it in this fashion in SSMS, it would have run the procedure 500 times serially. I mentioned concurrency as an advantage for memory optimized TVPs, but to see that advantage we need to do singleton inserts into our table in parallel.

A little Powershell later, and I ran this again. I did only 50 inserts, but I did them using 50 parallel threads. Each thread will call the wrapper proc to generate random inserts, then call OnDisk.InsertVehicleLocation.

Since this table has clustered index based on an identity column, we will always be inserting into the last page on the table. But that will require an X lock to write the page, which means our parallel calls will be blocking each other. And the more there are, the worst the waiting will get. This is the hot page issue in a nutshell.

On average each execution took 59 µs. Nearly three times as long. Likely, the first thread completed just as fast as previous, but each subsequent thread has to get in line to insert into the OnDisk.VehicleLocation table. And the average duration increases steadily throughout.

Inserting with a Memory Optimized TVP

Here’s the script I wrote to test using a memory optimized TVP to insert 500 rows.

USE WideWorldImporters

	FROM sys.types st
	WHERE = 'VehicleLocationTVP'
	CREATE TYPE OnDisk.VehicleLocationTVP
		RegistrationNumber nvarchar(20),
		TrackedWhen datetime2(2),
		Longitude decimal(18,4),
		Latitude decimal(18,4)
		INDEX IX_OrderQtyTVP NONCLUSTERED (RegistrationNumber)

CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE OnDisk.InsertVehicleLocationBatched
	@VehicleLocationTVP OnDisk.VehicleLocationTVP READONLY

	INSERT OnDisk.VehicleLocations
		(RegistrationNumber, TrackedWhen, Longitude, Latitude)
	FROM @VehicleLocationTVP tvp;

	RETURN @@RowCount;

-- So let's insert 500 rows into this on-disk table using a TVP
	@Target INT = 500,
	@VehicleLocationTVP OnDisk.VehicleLocationTVP;

DECLARE @Counter int = 0;

WHILE @Counter < @Target
	-- Generating one random row at a time
	INSERT @VehicleLocationTVP
		(RegistrationNumber, TrackedWhen, Longitude, Latitude)
		N'EA' + RIGHT(N'00' + CAST(@Counter % 100 AS nvarchar(10)), 3) + N'-GL',
		RAND() * 100,
		RAND() * 100;

	SET @Counter += 1;
EXEC OnDisk.InsertVehicleLocationBatched @VehicleLocationTVP;

This creates the type for our memory optimized table variable and defines the procedure. The last batch generates 500 rows of random data, inserting them into the same type, and calls the new proc with the TVP as input. Executing this once to insert 500 rows took 1981 µs, which is just under 4 µs per row.

Full results for all three tests

Wrapping up

This might have been my wordiest blog, but I hope you learned something from it. I’ve rewritten a number of procedures in recent years to operate on batches, and the results have largely been great.

Again, I will frequently use a join or index hint when joining the TVP to a base table, and that’s a minor change that can prevent an expensive mistake from the lack of statistics.

If you have any topics related to performance in SQL Server you would like to hear more about, please feel free to @ me and make a suggestion.

Please follow me on twitter (@sqljared) or contact me if you have questions.

The QDS Toolbox

The QDS Toolbox is set of tools that can help you review and store the performance related data in Query Store. This was released by ChannelAdvisor last September thanks to the hard work of a number of my coworkers.

If you aren’t experienced with Query Store, this can provide a good starting point for getting familiar with data that is available and what you can do with it. If you are experienced with Query Store, this may give you an easy way to set up customizable reports that help you find issues and see trends.

The QDS Toolbox has several components, and I intend to post about each in turn. Two new components were added to this recently by @sqlozano (, bringing the current total to eight.

  1. Server Top Queries
  2. Query Waits
  3. QDS Cache Cleanup
  4. Pivoted Waits Stats
  5. Query Variation
  6. Waits Variation
  7. Statistics Used
  8. Plan Miner

Getting Started

First things first, let’s get it downloaded and installed. I’ve linked the github page above. You can download a ZIP of the current package, or you can clone it with GitHub Desktop or a similar tool.

Once you have the package local, there’s an Installer folder. You could install them a la carte, or the QDSToolBox_Installer script will install all of the components. It will prompt you for the instance of SQL Server you want to use as well as the database you want to install it in. I’m putting mine in it’s own database, as I frequently restore other databases (WideWorldImporters, AdventureWorks2014) when I’m testing things.

Moving to Query Store

In my own experience with performance tuning with SQL Server, I started off using Profiler and PSSDiag constantly when I worked for Microsoft. After a number of years, I moved a lot of my focus to using queries against DMVs (Dynamic Management Views). DMVs allowed me to get most of the same data I reviewed from PSSDiag, but I’m able to get that data with a query that takes a few seconds (typically) instead of having to gather a trace for 30 minutes to feel like I have enough data.

By focusing on a DMV like sys.dm_exec_query_stats, you can easily find which queries on your server have the highest CPU usage, duration, or logical reads. This can make if very easy to identify a problem query, and you can find the query even if it isn’t running currently.

The caveat is that the DMVs only track what is in the cache, and once a query’s plan is no longer cached, it’s gone. No historical data is kept in the DMVs, and that’s why I use Query Store almost exclusively these days.

Server Top Queries

This is a great place to start exploring what is available in the QDS Toolbox, because looking for the top resource consuming queries is a common task.

Once you have the tool installed, you can run the dbo.ServerTopQueries to generate reports based on the metric you choose. That report will remain in the database where the QDS Toolbox was installed, and you can review them whenever. Here’s an example execution of the procedure:

	@StartTime DATETIME2,
	@EndTime DATETIME2;

	@EndTime = GETUTCDATE();

EXEC dbo.ServerTopQueries
	@ServerIdentifier	= @@SERVERNAME,
	@DatabaseName	= 'WideWorldImporters',
	@ReportIndex	= 'dbo.ServerTopQueriesIndex',	--provide both Report options to store results
	@ReportTable	= 'dbo.ServerTopQueriesStore',	--provide both Report options to store results
	@StartTime		= @StartTime,
	@EndTime		= @EndTime,
	@Top			= 25,
	@Measurement	= 'cpu_time',	--duration, cpu_time, logical_io_reads, logical_io_writes, 
									--physical_io_reads, clr_time, query_used_memory, log_bytes_used, tempdb_space_used
	@IncludeQueryText	= 1, --default: 0
	@ExcludeAdhoc		= 0,
	@ExcludeInternal	= 0,
	@VerboseMode		= 1,
	@TestMode			= 0;


	@LatestReport INT;

	@LatestReport = tqi.ReportID
FROM dbo.vServerTopQueriesIndex tqi
	tqi.CaptureDate DESC;

FROM dbo.vServerTopQueriesStore tqs
	tqs.ReportID = @LatestReport
	tqs.CPU DESC;

This script will run in the QDSToolbox database and store the report there, but we will be gathering the Query Store data on activity in the WideWorldImporters databse. I’ve just run some scripts there to generate activity.

The @StartTime and @EndTime parameters will restrict us to looking at activity in the last day.

The @ReportIndex and @ReportTable parameter define where we will store the data. I’ve left these at the default names for the tables, as defined by the tool.

The report is going to be focusing on high cpu queries, defined by the @Measurement variable being set to ‘cpu_time’. If I were using this, I’d be very likely to use ‘duration’ and ‘logical_io_reads’ often as a matter of course as well.

The @Top parameter is set to 25, and that’s probably reasonable. If I’m troubleshooting an active problem, I’d be unlikely to look at more than the top 5 queries in whatever metric, but a larger view makes sense for historical purposes.

I’m taking the default option for @ExcludeAdhoc and @ExcludeInternal; if it’s at the top of my CPU usage, I want to see it.

I am setting @IncludeQueryText to 1 so I get the query_store_query_text.query_sql_text details in my report. That may help you identify a specific query. Even without this option the query_store_query.query_text_id will be available, so you could look up the exact query text directly in Query Store.

I’ve also enabled @VerboseMode to see the exact statement used to generate the report. If you are less familiar with Query Store, you might want to review this to see where all the data being used here is found.

With all this, generating the report took less than a second. Certainly you could set up a scheduled take to create a report on CPU activity every day, which you could review\aggregate\splice later. You could create tasks to do the same for ‘duration’ and ‘logical_io_reads’ and have a good set of data to review for potential issues.

Reviewing the report

Here’s a short script to view my latest report and all the data in the dbo.vServerTopQueriesStore view:

	@LatestReport = tqi.ReportID
FROM dbo.vServerTopQueriesIndex tqi
	tqi.CaptureDate DESC;

FROM dbo.vServerTopQueriesStore tqs
	tqs.ReportID = @LatestReport
	tqs.CPU DESC;

Report Output

Report Details

The result set includes the capture date for the report, which is the same for each row. We also have the server name, database name, and metric used for the report.

The PlanID, QueryID, and QueryTextID are values you can use to get more information directly from Query Store. I frequently use the QueryID in particular with the Tracked Queries interface in SQL Server Management Studio to look at the plan for a query I’ve already identified.

Object Details

We will see the ObjectName, ObjectID, and SchemaName for any queries that are part of a procedure, function, or other object.

The ExecutionTypeDesc here indicates these queries ran successfully. This value could also be ‘Aborted’ (for a timeout) or ‘Exception’ (for an error).

Performance Statistics

And here we have all of our performance statistics along with the query text. I most often look at three of these, but this includes memory usage (in pages), tempdb usage (also in pages), and log bytes.

The execution count is included, so you can use this to calculate averages for any of these measurements. I tend to focus on the queries that have the highest numbers overall, but you may find a query farther down on your list with a longer average duration is more important.

Coming up

These reports will be used as well by other aspects of the QDS Toolkit, so understanding how to create the reports themselves will be necessary for those.

As I’ve said, there are 7 more parts to this tool. I’m planning to do a post on each in the weeks (and months) ahead. I’ll also be doing more “foundation” posts like my last post on key lookups.

I hope you find this post helpful. If you have any topics related to performance in SQL Server you would like to hear more about, please feel free to make a suggestion.

You can follow me on twitter (@sqljared) and contact me if you have questions.

USE WideWorldImporters
FROM Sales.OrderLines sol 
	sol.StockItemID = 20

Key Lookups

In working on my presentation for Data Saturday #8 – Southwest US, I hadn’t realized how many topics come up at least briefly in the talk. I wanted to make a few posts about to go into details on each of these topics and why they are important.

My thanks again to Deborah Melkin for her review and feedback of the presentation.

A key lookup is an operation that occurs when a query has used a nonclustered index on a given table, but needs to access more columns to complete the query. It may need to check columns not in that index for additional filters, or it may just need to return that column as part of its result set.

In the simple query above, we’re retrieving 100 rows from the seek against a nonclustered index, then performing a key lookup against the clustered index. There is a nested loops operator between the two and understanding how that operates is important; for each row we receive from the first table, we perform the second operation once. So, in this query we are seeking 100 rows from the nonclustered index, then performing the key lookup 100 times. We go through the index once for each row we return, and you can see the cost of the key lookup operator is 99% of the query.

Operator Details

Details for the Key Lookup operator


If we mouseover the key lookup, we can see the details of this operation. We actually read 100 rows . The “Estimated Operator Cost” (0.324977) is nearly 100 times that of the index seek (0.0035899).

The “Number of Executions” is 100, so for each row received from the index seek, we traverse the clustered index (its index and leaf pages) once to get that row. And we do 100 separate seeks of that index to get 100 rows. This is a lot more work than we did to get 100 rows with 1 index seek from the nonclustered index.

The estimates match our actuals, but the TOP clause is a very good hint for how many rows we should receive.

If you have a table scan somewhere in your plan is table scanning millions of rows, you should probably address that first. But removing the key lookup by returning fewer columns drops this query from 12.5 milliseconds to 73 microseconds. That’s a 94.16% duration reduction (thank you Query Store).


There’s two ways to handle a query like this with a key lookup.

  1. Do we need these columns in our query?
  2. Create a covering index.

Addition by Subtraction

We are doing the key lookup because we want to return columns, or filter\otherwise use columns, that are not in the nonclustered index. Let’s first ask this: do we need these columns in our query?

If we check the code or application that’s retrieving the results, does it actually consume those columns from the result set and use them? If we are filtering on that column, does that filter still make sense? If not, let’s just take it out of the query to simplify matters.

And it is very clear which columns are the issue. If you look at the details of the key lookup in the image above, the Output List for that operator shows which columns we are using the clustered index to retrieve. If you don’t need any of them, you can remove them from the query. Your new execution plan will be missing a key lookup.


The heading is a joke; there’s no such command, of course. A covering index is a nonclustered index that supplies all the information you need from a given table to complete a given query. So far, we’re doing key lookups for this query because no such an index exists. We could get all these columns from the clustered index, but we would have to scan the whole index because our WHERE clause doesn’t match the sorting of the clustered index.

Normally when we create an index, we want our index to include any columns we are filtering on. So it would include columns in our WHERE clause, or the columns in our JOIN clause if we are joining from another table. In some cases, you might want the index to match an ORDER BY. Here just the section in red.

For a covering index on this query, we need to include the SELECT list (in the green section) in our index. In general, every column for this table referenced in the query needs to be in our index.

The INCLUDE column is a great way to add in the columns in our SELECT list.

We could add those 5 columns to our index normally as key values, but that would unnecessarily bloat all the pages of the index. We aren’t filtering on any of those columns, so we don’t need the columns in the index pages for us to filter properly. If we use the INCLUDE clause, these columns will be present only in the leaf page of our index. This is similar to how the columns from the clustered index are added to all nonclustered indexes.

So a script for the new index would look like this:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Sales_OrderLines_AllocatedStockItems] ON [Sales].[OrderLines](	
	[StockItemID] ASC

With the index in place, our original query took 95 microseconds. Slightly longer than the query with the reduced result set, but we did increase the size of the index some.


A key lookup might be an operation you don’t notice often, but I’ve been impressed with the result of removing them when I can.

I’ll be posting other blogs with foundational topics in the near future and more posts in general than I’ve had recently. Maybe this isn’t foundational; it might be on the first floor.

I hope you’ve learned something from this post. Please follow me on twitter (@sqljared) or contact me if you have questions.